Splunk® DB Connect

Deploy and Use Splunk DB Connect

Monitor Splunk DB Connect health

Splunk DB Connect provides pre-configured health dashboards that allow you to monitor and troubleshoot several aspects of your database connections and inputs from inside Splunk Enterprise. Using numerous pre-built Splunk visualization panels, you can monitor DB Health and Input Metrics.

Data model acceleration for DB Connect dashboards is disabled by default. If your DB Connect dashboards are slow, enable data model acceleration.


A logged-on user must be assigned a role that has access to both the _internal index and "dbx_health" source type in order to see the health dashboards. If none of the user's roles has permission to either search _internal or view data with sourcetype="dbx_health", DB Connect displays a "Permission denied" error message.

DB Connect input health

This dashboard provides pre-built panels to give you insights about your input operation health.

To use the health log dashboard, go to Splunk DB Connect, then click the Health > DB Connect Input Health tab.

The pop-up menus along the top of the window are controls you can use to refine the data in the dashboard. By default, they show all available data from the last 24 hours.

  • Total Errors: The total number of errors for all the inputs.
  • %Error: The percentage of the errors among all input jobs.
  • Number of Input Jobs over Time: The number of input Jobs over the time you choose.
  • Input Jobs Errors over Time: The total errors of input jobs. over the time you choose.

DB Connect Input Performance

This dashboard gives you insights about the inputs performance.

To use the input performance dashboard, go to Splunk DB Connect, then click the Health > DB Connect Input Performance tab.

  • Input Jobs Median Duration: The median duration of input jobs over the time you choose.
  • Input Jobs Median Time Distribution: The median distribution time for each input.
  • HEC Median Duration: The median duration of HEC.
  • HEC Median Throughput: The median throughput of HEC
  • HEC Connection Status: HEC connection status over the time you choose.
  • HEC Upload Time: HEC upload time over the time you choose.
  • HEC Median Upload Time(ms) by Input Name: HEC median upload time for each input.
  • HEC Median Throughput(MB) by Input Name: HEC median throughput for each input.

DB Connect Connection Health

This dashboard gives you insights about the connection health.

To use the input performance dashboard, go to Splunk DB Connect, then click the Health > DB Connect Connection Health tab.

  • Total Errors: The total number of errors of the connection you choose.
  • %Error: The percentage of the errors among all input jobs.
  • Number of Each Connection over Time: The number of connections per each connection over the time period you select.
  • Connections Errors over Time: The number of errors per each connection over the time period you select.
  • Number of Each Operation over Time: The number of operations (dbxinput, dbxoutput and dbxlookup) over the time period you select.
  • Operations Errors over Time: The errors of each operation over the time period you select.

Connection Pool Health (scheduled inputs/outputs)

  • Active Connections: The number of active connections of each connection pool over the time period you select.
  • Idle Connections: The number of idle connections of each connection pool over the time period you select.
  • Pending Connections: The number of pending connections of each connection pool over the time period you select.
  • Total Connections Pool: The total number of connections (including active, pending and idle connections) of each connection pool over the time you select.
  • Connections Wait Time: The waiting time for each connection pool.
  • Connections Usage Time: The usage time for each connection pool.
  • Connections Wait Median Duration: The median waiting duration for each connection pool.
  • Connections Usage Median Duration: The median duration usage of each connection pool.
Last modified on 02 October, 2024
Execute SQL statements and stored procedures with the dbxquery command   Configuration file reference

This documentation applies to the following versions of Splunk® DB Connect: 3.18.1

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